

28Sep22 - 19:00 - HARAS LOS APAMATES e invitados: Hs. FONZASO, Hs. LA ARMONIA, Hs. TRES ORILLAS

Ejemplar (Padrillo)

Abuelo Materno

1 El Gach (Posse) mz 20 URUuru Posse (Silver Deputy) Stihl Essayons .
2 Majestic King (Majesticperfection) mz 20 URUuru Majesticperfection (Harlan's Holiday) Quinn Girl Fusaichi Pegasus .
3 Ginny (Saratoga Storm) mz 20 URUuru Saratoga Storm (Storm Cat) Lady Talibana Stanislas .
4 Storm Eye (Saratoga Storm) mz 20 URUuru Saratoga Storm (Storm Cat) Sub Eye Subordination .
5 Leo Fabio (Saratoga Storm) mz 20 URUuru Saratoga Storm (Storm Cat) Aire De Condesa Asidero .
6 Storm Man (Saratoga Storm) mz 20 URUuru Saratoga Storm (Storm Cat) Maan Cagney .
7 Fast Royal (Keep Control) mz 20 URUuru Keep Control (Royal Academy) Fast-Kina Choctaw Ridge .
8 Public Out (Keep Control) mz 20 URUuru Keep Control (Royal Academy) Publicada Public Purse .
9 Geek (Keep Control) mz 20 URUuru Keep Control (Royal Academy) Secretaria Top Bluegrass Cat .
10 Skyjet (The Leopard) mz 20 URUuru The Leopard (Storm Cat) Jet Plicck Plicck .
11 Mogabby (Mogador) mz 20 URUuru Mogador (Danzig) Abby Unbridels King .
12 Inter Lady (Posse) hz 20 URUuru Posse (Silver Deputy) Inter Flash Interprete .
13 Majestic Lady (Majesticperfection) ha 20 URUuru Majesticperfection (Harlan's Holiday) India Del Sol Fernando Po .
14 Jackie Storm (Saratoga Storm) hz 20 URUuru Saratoga Storm (Storm Cat) Jackie Pot Ghadeer .
15 Glory Queen (Brooklyn Boy) hz 20 URUuru Brooklyn Boy (Gone West) Blaze Of Glory Honour and Glory .
16 La Rocina (Keep Control) hz 20 URUuru Keep Control (Royal Academy) Drucina Roman Ruler .
17 Seed Of Glory (The Leopard) hz 20 URUuru The Leopard (Storm Cat) Salvia Ritz .
18 Bagheeraz (The Leopard) hz 20 URUuru The Leopard (Storm Cat) Esstrategica Essayons .
19 Magari Vince (Posse) hz 20 URUuru Posse (Silver Deputy) Andiamo Via Shanghai Bobby .